Solar power

to the people




















Isten kegyelméből elhozzuk az embereknek a technológiát, hogy energiát nyerjenek a napból, és így jobbá tesszük a világot az eljövendő generációk számára. A napelemek, inverterek, szerelőszerkezetek, akkumulátorok, elektromos autók töltők és egyéb fotovoltaikus alkatrészek forgalmazásában és nagykereskedelmében szerzett sokéves tapasztalatunk révén, csak olyan termékeket kínálunk, amelyek bizonyítottan rendkívül hatékonyak, megbízhatóak és optimális áron kaphatók. Célunk, hogy a minőségi és stabil TOP 5 márka megfelelő műszaki megoldásait szállítsuk, megfizethető áron. A JA SOLAR / LONGI / TRINA / CANADIAN SOLAR / SUNGROW / HUAWEI / BYD inverterek és akkumulátorok, valamint a WALLBOX töltők hivatalos forgalmazója vagyunk / JINKO SOLAR / SOLIS / SUNWODA. 

Közelgő események és webináriumok

Workshop: MG0 Huawei Inverter

Prague, Czech Republic

September 12, 2024

10:00 Nile House, Karolinská 654/2 Prague 8 - Karlín

Workshop: Innovation in Solar-Powered Carports

Prague, Czech Republic

September 12, 2024

11:00 Nile House, Karolinská 654/2 Prague 8 - Karlín

Workshop: MG0 Huawei Inverter

Rumburk, Czech Republic

September 17, 2024

10:00 Vojtěcha Kováře 134/1A Rumburk

Workshop: Innovation in Solar-Powered Carports

Rumburk, Czech Republic

September 17, 2024

11:00 Vojtěcha Kováře 134/1A Rumburk

Solar & Storage Live

Birmingham, UK

September 24 - 26, 2024

LONGi & Sungrow Day

Prague, Czech Republic

November 29, 2024

Křižíkova 710/30, 186 00 Karlín


Hosszú évek tapasztalatai vezettek bennünket a kiváló minőségű és a hosszú távon megbízható termékek kizárólagos használatához. A JAsolar, Longi, CanadianSolar, Trina, Sungrow, Huawei, Wallbox és a BYD termékei rendkívül megbízhatóak és a legmagasabb hatékonyságot mutatják.

Kifogástalan szerviz

Tudjuk, hogy ma már bármit megvásárolhatunk a legkedvezőbb áron, de legtöbbször kevés hozzáadott értékkel. Kizárólag minőségi termékeket kínálunk, amelyek megbízhatóan és hosszantartóan tesznek jó szolgálatot. Mindezt természetesen egy átfogó ügyfélorientált szolgáltatás keretében.

ON-TIME logisztika

Kifinomult logisztikai rendszerünknek köszönhetően mindig tudjuk, hogy a szállítmány hol található, ügyfeleink pedig azt, hogy mikor érkezik meg. Raktárkészletünket képesek vagyunk 24-48 órán belül kézbesíteni Közép-Európa bármely pontjára!


Szívesen megosztjuk a végfelhasználói igényléseket és elérhetőségeket és tájékoztatást biztosítunk az üzletkötés gyors lebonyolítása érdekében.


Nagy kapacitású raktárakkal rendelkezünk a német, a cseh és a lengyel határon, ahol elegendő kapacitást tartunk fenn az Ön számára, a megfelelő MWp nagyságrendben.

Napról napra arra törekszünk, hogy ügyfeleinknek első osztályú támogatást nyújtsunk.

Alkatrészt szeretnék


Ügyfeleinknek csakis a legjobbat!
Sungrow - elemek, inverterek
Sungrow - elemek, inverterek

A világ első számú invertergyártója, illetve második a 2019-ben világszerte telepített inverterek számában. A SUNGROW invertermárka első osztályú minőséget képvisel. Ideális kereskedelmi és lakossági telepítésekhez. Termékek: inverterek széles választéka.

Canadian Solar - napelemek
Canadian Solar - napelemek

Az egyik legjobb és legismertebb napelemgyártó, régóta a Tier 1 rangsorában, jelenleg világi szinten a 3. helyen áll. A Canadian Solar napelemei híresek kiváló minőségükről. Termékek: poli- és monokristályos napelemek halfcut, HiDM, PERC, Bifacial technológiával, 300 Wp + teljesítménytől.

Longi - napelemek
Longi - napelemek

Tier 1 világelső napelemgyártó a legmagasabb AAA pénzügyi minősítéssel. LONGi, az áttörő monokristályos technológiájával, a fotovoltaikus iparág piacvezetője. LONGi évente világszerte több, mint 30 GW nagyteljesítményű napelemmodult szállít, ami a globális piaci keresletének körülbelül egynegyedét teszi ki. Termékek: fekete keretes monokristályos napelem 370 Wp teljesítménnyel.

JA Solar - napelemek
JA Solar - napelemek

JA Solar was founded in 2005 and today it is globally recognized as a top tier manufacturer of high-performance PV products. With 12 manufacturing bases and more than 20 branches around the world, the company’s business covers silicon wafers, cells, modules and photovoltaic power stations. JA Solar products are available in 135 countries and are used extensively in ground-mounted power plants, commercial & industrial rooftop PV systems and residential rooftop PV systems. The company has been listed on Fortune China 500 and Global Top 500 New Energy Enterprises for several consecutive years.

Trina Solar - napelemek
Trina Solar - napelemek

Founded by Gao Jifan in 1997, Trina Solar has grown rapidly to become a world leader in research and development, production and sales of photovoltaic technologies. It was one of the first solar companies in China and over the years it has set or broken 24 new world records in terms of PV cell conversion efficiency and module output power, as of July 2022. A Shanghai Stock Exchange listed company, Trina currently has over 17,000 employees and has shipped more than 100 GW of cumulative solar module capacity across the globe.

Tongwei-Solar  - napelemek
Tongwei-Solar - napelemek

Tongwei entered the market of photovoltaics (PV) in 2006. After more than 10 years of rapid development, Tongwei has become an integrated PV enterprise with high-purity polysilicon production in upstream, high-efficiency solar cell and module production in midstream, as well as experience in PV power plant construction and operation in downstream. TW Solar now has six bases in China, with an annual cell capacity of more than 70GW and an expected 130-150GW in 2024-2026, of which large-size cell capacity will account for more than 90%.

Wallbox - EV töltők
Wallbox - EV töltők

Wallbox, founded in 2015 by Enric Asunción in Spain, is a sophisticated company that develops and manufactures EV charging devices. Their goal is to free the world from fossil fuels. A fundamental prerequisite for the emergence of a world entirely powered by renewable energy is the transition to electric transport. By developing state-of-the-art EV charging solutions for homes, businesses and cities, the company offers more efficient and sustainable ways to use and share energy.

BYD - elemek
BYD - elemek

BYD Company Ltd. is one of China’s largest privately owned enterprises. Since its inception in 1995, the company quickly developed solid expertise in rechargeable batteries and became a relentless advocate of sustainable development, successfully expanding its renewable energy solutions globally with operations in over 50 countries and regions. With over 23,000 employees and 2022 revenue of more than 50 billion USD, BYD offers smart storage solutions for a green energy transition. Its creation of a Zero Emissions Energy Ecosystem – comprising affordable solar power generation, reliable energy storage and cutting-edge electrified transportation – has made it an industry leader in the energy and transportation sectors. Today BYD Auto is the largest EV manufacturer in the world, with sales of 641,000 EV's in the first half of 2022.

Jinko - napelemek
Jinko - napelemek

Founded in 2006 as a wafer manufacturer, Jinko Solar has now firmly established itself as a vertically integrated PV enterprise-producing polysilicon, wafer, cell, and modules. It has 14 manufacturing bases in China, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the USA. As of Q1 2023, Jinko cumulatively shipped more than 150GW of PV in over 160 countries, ranking no.1 in global sales in the same fiscal quarter.

Soluna - elemek
Soluna - elemek

Soluna provides fully integrated energy storage systems and battery packs to the global (solar) renewable energy sector. Their products are safe and of premium quality. Through more than 20 years of manufacturing experience on lithium batteries their products range from Portable Power Systems, Low voltage (48V) Battery systems, High voltage battery systems, All in one systems to Commercial Battery Storage Solutions. Their rack-mounted battery modules are ideal for residential, commercial, industrial and mining energy storage applications.

Hyundai - napelemek
Hyundai - napelemek

Hyundai Energy Solutions produces world-class solar cells and modules through continuous investment in R&D and expansion in cutting-edge production facilities. Founded in December 2016 as a spin-off from Hyundai Heavy Industries, Hyundai Energy Solutions is now a leader in the solar energy industry with innovative solutions such as floatovoltaics, agrivoltaics, Smart Solar City, etc. The specialized module design by Hyundai Energy Solutions boasts unfaltering durability in harsh conditions.

Huawei - elemek, inverterek
Huawei - elemek, inverterek

In June 2021, Huawei Digital Power Technologies Co., Ltd. was established to develop the digital power business and accelerate its growth. Huawei's unique value lies in its long-term R&D investment in digital and power electronics technologies. Huawei’s business domains cover Smart PV, Data Center Facility, Site Power Facility, mPower, Embedded Power, and Integrated Smart Energy.

Solinteg - elemek, inverterek
Solinteg - elemek, inverterek

Solinteg is a technological and innovative manufacturer that provides advanced and optimized solutions for the storage and integration of solar energy on its own unique MORE platform. Solinteg has deployed global sales channels and customer service centers, committing to delivering smart, safe, and cost-effective clean energy to residential, commercial and industrial users. It will be the first on the Czech market to offer an asymmetric hybrid inverter with a power of up to 50 kW. Its unique feature is an input current of up to 15A on the PV input side and a wide range of input voltage on the battery side.

Bluetti - portable powerstations
Bluetti - portable powerstations

Bluetti was conceived around the vision of creating a minimalist portable power station that would seamlessly integrate into everyone's life. After a decade of researching in the energy storage industry, Wondar Law & James Ray launched Bluetti's first portable powerstation on in July 2019. One year later, they released their flagship model AC200 on Indiegogo as a crowdfunding project and pulled nearly 7 million dollars in two months. Headquartered now in Vegas, Nevada, Bluetti has built out a whole line up of solar power storage products for adventurers and all kinds of off-grid living.

Sunman - napelemek
Sunman - napelemek

Sunman Energy is a technology company founded by a group of industry veterans delivering the future of Solar. Through the research and development of composite materials, Sunman has successfully commercialized the world's first glass-free, lightweight and flexible Panel – eArc. Replacing glass completely, eArc brings solar power to markets and applications scenarios that were previously impossible.

Tigo - kiegészítők
Tigo - kiegészítők

Tigo was founded in Silicon Valley in 2007 to accelerate the adoption of solar energy, and its global team supports customers whose systems reliably produce gigawatt hours of safe solar energy on seven continents. Today Tigo Energy is the worldwide leader in Flex MLPE (Module Level Power Electronics), which designs innovative solar power conversion and storage products that provide customers with more choice and flexibility.

Sermatec - inverterek
Sermatec - inverterek

Sermatec Energy Technology Co. Ltd. is a Shanghai-based company which was founded in 2017. It is a leading manufacturer of energy storage products and a data service provider for energy storage systems. In the past 5 years, despite covid lockdowns and supply-chain disruptions, Sermatec has rapidly grown its presence in over 30 countries, securing a Series-A funding of over a billion Yuan in August 2021. This rapid expansion has been made possible by their core RnD team of over 160+ national and international researchers of whom more than 70% have over 10 years of experience in power, electronics and batteries.

Avancis - napelemek
Avancis - napelemek

Avancis Solar is a German company that develops and manufactures innovative (CIGS) thin-film solar modules for various architectural purposes. It was founded in 2006 as a joint venture between the Saint-Gobain Group and the Shell. Its innovative technology is developed in the company's own R&D centers in Munich and Torgau.

Solar Edge - inverterek
Solar Edge - inverterek

Founded in 2006, SolarEdge is a revolutionary inverter technology company located in Herzliya, Israel. In 2015 SolarEgde was listed on NASDAQ and since 2010, SolarEdge has shipped over 43.6 Gigawatt (‘‘GW’’) of its DC-optimized inverter systems and its products have been installed in solar PV systems in 140 countries.

Smartflower - napelemek
Smartflower - napelemek

There’s no better way to showcase your commitment to sustainability than with a Smartflower. Smartflower is a revolutionary solar energy system that follows the sun from sunrise to sunset. Beneath its elegant design is a remarkably intelligent system; fully integrated with smart features that produce up to 40% more power. The smart tracking system is the core of Smartflower’s brilliance. Every morning at sunrise, Smartflower automatically unfolds. The dual-axis system allows Smartflower’s solar panels to follow the sun across the sky throughout the day, making Smartflower produce up to 40% more power than a conventional solar system.

Sundowa Energy
Sundowa Energy

As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sunwoda Group (SZ300207), Sunwoda Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise, focusing on network energy, residential energy storage, utility energy storage, smart energy and other business fields with the purpose of meeting the diversified energy storage needs of different industry segments and customers. The company provides integrated products and solutions for energy storage and Source-Grid-Load-Storage-Cloud Integration, and builds a business model of sales, investment, construction and operation of the whole life cycle.

Több mint 850 elégedett B2B ügyféllel rendelkezünk. Lépjen velünk kapcsolatba!
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Az ügyfeleinkkel való kapcsolatot keresztény értékekre alapozzuk


Mukuch Karapetian Sales Director
Mukuch Karapetian
Daniel Balcha, Ph.D. Sales Director
Daniel Balcha, Ph.D.
Manuel Rotundo Sales Director
Manuel Rotundo
Zdeněk Eisner, DiS. Sales Director
Zdeněk Eisner, DiS.
Roman Korenec Senior Sales Manager
Roman Korenec
Bc. Dominik Mathaus Senior Sales Manager
Bc. Dominik Mathaus
Aistis Janulynas Senior Sales Manager
Aistis Janulynas
Ilya Chornobrov Senior Sales Manager
Ilya Chornobrov
Mgr. Marlena Woźniak Senior Sales Manager
Mgr. Marlena Woźniak
Bc. Michaela Havránková Senior Sales Manager
Bc. Michaela Havránková
Eva Markvartová Senior Sales Manager
Eva Markvartová
Stanislav Kotlár Senior Sales Manager
Stanislav Kotlár
Aleš Svačinka Senior Sales Manager
Aleš Svačinka
Mgr. David Láník Sales & Project Manager
Mgr. David Láník
Gediminas Alionis Sales Manager
Gediminas Alionis
Jan Pavlica Sales Manager
Jan Pavlica
Ing. Marek Fáč Sales Manager
Ing. Marek Fáč
André Schöne, Dipl.- Verww. (FH); PHK a.D. Sales Manager
André Schöne, Dipl.- Verww. (FH); PHK a.D.
Kazimieras Stanionis Sales Manager
Kazimieras Stanionis
Jan Menšík Sales Manager
Jan Menšík
Ing. Fre Gobena Sales Manager
Ing. Fre Gobena
Hana Gobena LL.M Sales Manager
Hana  Gobena LL.M
Mgr. Kristýna Svobodová Sales Manager
Mgr. Kristýna Svobodová
Sam Charawani Sales Manager
Sam Charawani
George Kozlov Sales Manager
George Kozlov
Almantas Augustaitis Sales Manager
Almantas Augustaitis
Dmytro Penziev Sales Manager
Dmytro Penziev
Ilenia Mirarchi Sales Manager
 Ilenia Mirarchi
Bc. Petr Fencl Technical Specialist & Sales Manager
Bc. Petr Fencl
PhDr. Jan Böhme Technical Specialist & Sales Manager
PhDr. Jan Böhme
Oleg Penziev Logistics & Procurement Manager
Oleg Penziev
Jan Rákosník Logistics & Procurement Manager
Jan Rákosník
Petro Zaplava Head of Purchase
Petro Zaplava
Vladislav Mironov Head of Procurement & Logistics
Vladislav Mironov
Bc. Klára Krajdlová Customer Experience Agent
Bc. Klára Krajdlová
Natalia Forostovets Customer Experience Agent
Natalia Forostovets
Barbora Zbrožková Customer Experience Agent
Barbora Zbrožková
Ljuba Lišková Account. & Office Support
Ljuba Lišková
M.Sc. Sharon Balonová Web & IT Manager
M.Sc. Sharon Balonová
Miroslav Budinský Data & Process Analyst
Miroslav Budinský
Ing. Alice Vaňková Financial manager
Ing. Alice Vaňková
Pavlína Frančiak Account. & Office Support
Pavlína Frančiak
Darya Melnikava Account Manager
Darya Melnikava
Alena Brandwagt Account. Support
Alena Brandwagt
Tetyana Bobylova Operations Manager
Tetyana Bobylova
Karel Pařenica Sr. Technical Director
Karel Pařenica Sr.
Beatrice Pařenicová CSO - Chief Strategy Officer
Beatrice Pařenicová
Karel Pařenica CEO/Owner
Karel Pařenica


Karel Kuran CEO of nanosun Solar Ltd
Karel Kuran
Harry Lake Sales Manager
Harry Lake


Mulle Tesfaye Wami Senior Sales Manager
Mulle Tesfaye Wami
Muhammad Adnan Malik Senior Sales Manager & Technical Solar Specialist
Muhammad Adnan Malik
Muhammad Faisal Naeem Sales Manager
Muhammad Faisal Naeem
Ammer Amin Sales Manager & Technical Solar Specialist
Ammer Amin
Yodit Gobena Sales Account Manager
Yodit Gobena
Roxanne Joyce Torres Operations Manager
Roxanne Joyce Torres
Sanaullah Rajput Account Manager
Sanaullah Rajput
Mariglo Lagdamat Accountant
Mariglo Lagdamat
Renz Ryan Magsombol Marketing Manager - UAE
Renz Ryan Magsombol
Angelika Mollaneda Sales & Marketing Support
Angelika Mollaneda
+ MW
leszállított napelem és inverter
napelem és inverter raktáron
tagú csapat



levné solární panely

Remekül összehangolt csapatRöviden: élvezzük, amit csinálunk

Egy cég mindig az alkalmazottai tükörképe.
Nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk a barátságos légkör megteremtésére,
mindezt a szakmaiság feláldozása nélkül. Azért vagyunk itt, mert szeretjük a munkánkat, és szívesen dolgozunk együtt.

solární projekty

A beérkező kéréseket azonnal feldolgozzukMetelescu Blescu

Nem lógunk és nem kávézgatunk egész nap. Az Ön kéréséről azonnal gondoskodunk és lehető leghamarabb felvesszük Önnel a kapcsolatot. Először ellenőrizzük a raktárkészleteinket, majd elküldjük az árajánlatot és tudatjuk a szállítás időpontját.

konzultace fotovoltaika

Szakmai konzultációOkleveles mérnökök állnak rendelkezésére

Senki sem tud mindent. És talán mi sem. De mindig örömmel nyújtunk szakértői tanácsot implementációs és interoperabilitási kérdésekben. És mindezt érthető, emberi nyelven, néhány kínai nyelvjárás kivételével, az Ön nyelvén is.

rychlé dodání solárních panelů a měničů

SzállításMielőtt annyit mondana: fapapucs""

Röviddel a megrendelés befejezése után lefoglaljuk Önnek az árut. Kifinomult logisztikánknak
és a szakadásig megtöltött raktárainknak köszönhetően képesek vagyunk 24-48 órán belül bármely közép-európai címre szállítani. A legjobb szállítmányozókkal dolgozunk együtt.

servis solárních panelů

Értékesítés utáni szolgáltatásNem állunk a fejlődés útjában

A munkánk nem ér véget az áru leszállításával. Elsősorban az Ön elégedettségére törekszünk és arra, hogy legközelebb is örömmel forduljon hozzánk. A beérkező panaszokkal kiemelten foglalkozunk, és a fejünket nem dugjuk homokba. Ezen felül, rendkívüli kedvezményeket biztosítunk törzsvásárlóink számára.


Kiváló munkaCéljaink

Úgy dolgozunk, hogy a nap végén jólesően azt mondhassuk, hogy ma is egy lépéssel közelebb kerültünk céljainkhoz és folyamataink tökéletesítéséhez. Tudjuk, hogy a Nap holnap is felkel, és újra arra összpontosíthatunk, ami boldoggá tesz.

Hozzáadott érték

Minőségi és gyors szolgáltatást kínálunk precíz és pontos logisztikával. Webináriumokat, továbbképzéseket és műszaki tanácsadást biztosítunk szakértőink által. Segítünk új ügyfelekre lelni.

Amit kínálunk

Sokéves tapasztalataink alapján csak minőségi és bevált termékeket kínálunk, amelyek sokáig képesek az Ön javát szolgálni.

Amiben különbözünk

Tiszteletben tartjuk a keresztény értékeket, melyekre üzleti és szakmai kapcsolatainkat építjük. Nálunk biztos lehet benne, hogy üzletkötés mindig korrekt módon zajlik.


Ahogy mondani szoktuk: Ahol akarat van, ott út is van!

Mit mondanak rólunk ügyfeleink

Josefa Wachter

Nanosun is a professional, and quick response organization. Wide availability of products, with fast delivery and good prices. They go the extra mile to meet customer and market demands.

Josefa Wachter
Hans Zyfflich

Doing business with nanosun was pleasant and very efficient; their consultancy was friendly and professional. Once the payment method was agreed (this was our first purchase from nanosun) the products were delivered as promised, with the delivery time announced one day ahead. The PV modules were properly packed and delivered without any damage to the packaging. We would be happy to order items for our future projects from nanosun again.

Hans Zyfflich
Iliya Elenin - Managing Partner of ELSOL BULGARIA

We have worked with Nanosun for more than 5 years and during this time, we have never had a single problem. We are in touch with two account managers Beatrice and David, both of them are 100% dedicated and always find a solution to our needs.

Iliya Elenin - Managing Partner of ELSOL BULGARIA
Vladimir Todorov

Perfect service, Thank you NanoSun

Vladimir Todorov
Karel Valenta

I ordered photovoltaic panels from a supplier. After two months, they just texted to my phone that they were canceling my order. And they stopped communicating by all means. I needed the panels quickly, so I contacted various companies over the Internet. NANOSUN contacted me almost immediately and Dominik Mathaus offered me panels from their stock. And they were for very good prices. As I needed the panels immediately, I paid the amount to NANOSUN's account, and went to collect them from their warehouse the same day. Everyone was very accommodating and obliging, helping me to load the panels and making sure that they would not get damaged during transportation. Many thanks to everyone at NANOSUN for this. My PV power plant is in full operation now and I have verified by metering that the stated characteristics of the photovoltaic panels correspond to reality.

Karel Valenta
Daniella IBRAHIM

The quality of the service is undeniable. Having a great experience with the company and a good collaboration with the sales agent Manuel Rotundo. Delivery of goods to our client was perfect.

Daniella IBRAHIM
Peter Platzer

Very trustworthy company, very short response time and good prices, thanks again to Mr. Pavlica who answered my questions and wishes always within minutes

Peter Platzer
Knarf Ekrats

Very reliable Company to work with. Very fast feedback of any of my questions.Would like to recommend them!

Knarf Ekrats
martin krajcovic

Thank you for the great service, I will continue to recommend.

martin krajcovic
Přemysl Prokop

I recommend the company Nanosun s.r.o. for the purchase of solar modules. Wide selection of panels, large stock availability and excellent prices.

Přemysl Prokop
dablac dablac

Professional approach, fast delivery, flawless communication, I recommend. Pavel

dablac dablac
Maciej Urbanski

Very good contact, fast deliveries, big portfolio PV products and reasonable prices.

Maciej Urbanski
Stanislav Kerestes

I would like to thank the company Nanosun for delivery of the goods without any problems and for the professional customer approach.

Stanislav Kerestes
Patrick Schwager

Everything worked smoothly!

Patrick Schwager
Johann Altmann

Everything worked great.

Johann Altmann
Wolfi Ecki

Perfect company.

Wolfi Ecki
Daniela Reitner

Very uncomplicated and friendly. Great value for money. Again and again.

Daniela Reitner
Andi Eder

Thanks to Dominik for the smooth processing of my purchases (I have already bought twice from nanosun). Price ok! Delivery to Austria OK! Everything great!

Andi Eder
Roland Pichler

Super company, top price-performance ratio, fast delivery and perfect processing. Immediately again!!

Roland Pichler
Artem Skrypnyk

Successful experience of partnership with Nanosun. Professional support of Sales Agent Marlena in the implementation of the project in building a 1 MW solar power plant in Poland. Highly recommend! Powerbell Engineering Sp. z o.o.

Artem Skrypnyk
Wolfgang Schiller

only good experience so far - friendly - serious - absolutely reliable - short delivery time

Wolfgang Schiller
Catalin Stanciu

After the Intersolar fair, I got in touch with Nanosun. I started buying panels from the first quote I received. They had good prices every time. More than that, David has always reacted incredibly quickly, with accurate information and solutions to my requests regarding shipping, product warranties...whatever. I don't have any supplier with david's response speed. I hope we can collaborate for as long as possible.

Catalin Stanciu
Radek Bartuška

We bought a whole container of PV panels from the NANOSUN company and we are extremely satisfied. Both with the sales representative and with the price and the product. Two of the panels arrived broken, but Nanosun is giving an immediate refund. LARX s.r.o.

Radek Bartuška
Carsten Temming

My order was not that easy to handle but the nanosun-team, especially Eva, was always kind, helpful and fast in communication. Thank you!

Carsten Temming
Lukáš Němec

Professional approach, fast and clear communication.. I also appreciate the speed of delivery + the attitude of the driver and his willingness to help.. Thank you

Lukáš Němec
Hannes Hoettinger

Top partner for years

Hannes Hoettinger
Info PVS Energy

Top Partner

Info PVS Energy
Michael Düde

first order, and very happy! great communication, quick delivery. will order again :-)

Michael Düde


Amiről élőben beszélgetünk
Another solar flower from nanosun installed in the centre of Prague

Another solar flower from nanosun installed in the centre of Prague

On the 22nd of August, 2024, the second unique solar power plant in the shape of a flower - the Smartflower - was installed on the Prague river embankment. Our client, Prague Boats, now has a pair of power plants helping to power the eco-friendly tourist electrodes on the Vltava River.

Tovább olvasok
At the Intersolar trade fair we impressed with a brand new stand

At the Intersolar trade fair we impressed with a brand new stand

The colours of the rising sun and a modern audiovisual system. These were the attributes of the new exhibition stand, which we had the honour of presenting to the 100,000 visitors of Intersolar Munich. This year, we presented innovations in the field of solar technology to interested parties in a pleasant environment, with the possibility of projecting 3D animations of solar applications.

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Nanosun team in Bremen and London

Nanosun team in Bremen and London

April was yet another month for nanosun to see you, our customers and supporters, in person at Europe's leading solar trade fairs. This time we went to Solar Solution Bremen and Solar & Storage Live London. In both places, we had a lot of nice meetings and had the opportunity to show the latest of the technologies our company offers to our customers.

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